About Us

About Us

Welcome To Kamat Social Foundation.

Encompasses the entire state of Maharashtra, and the group is currently actively operating in the Pune and Satara districts. Some of the children did not even have a place to sleep at night, it was discovered during a survey of the neighbourhood. These young people doze off in rickshaws and handcarts. The group decided to assume full responsibility for the children who don't have parents or a safe place to live.

Dr. Neha Kamat

Psychologist, Writer and Singer

Founder Desk!

Dr. Neha Kamat was born on July 8, 1983, in her hometown of Hubli, born into a royal conservative family with education from Karnataka. She got married in her early 20s and had a big dream of being a writer and doctor before marriage, but due to the circumstances of a conservative family, she couldn't fulfil that dream. A dream came true after marriage. Being a writer was a big task that passed through many hurdles and pressures. Some people judged, and some gave negative feedback, but her willpower gave her strength to stand. Being a housewife and a mother, what she learned was to pen down her thoughts to keep her experience so awake and let her thoughts teach her what is right and wrong. So pen down your thoughts to understand your strength. The first book was dedicated to women, by the name Women in Me, and sold out 3000 copies in 1 year online and offline. With this journey, success grew to the sky of being an entrepreneur.

Every step was an awakening with experiences as a daughter, wife, and mother, especially Being a woman to set an example for society is difficult for women because society judges you in all aspects of being a woman. If a woman is an extrovert and social, she had to prove her point of view, which she feels is there is no explanation when your soul gives you the bell of honesty and truthfulness. Women had been chained by the responsibility of family and stopped living for themselves. Women feel scared of the backlash and guilt of living for self-desire; having an understanding life partner is a gift she has. When you have the space to climb your step to dream, it is a gift from your life partner. This journey of her awards is a handful thanks to her life partner and her two sons; without their support, it would not have been possible because her space to write was gifted to her by them.

Her strength and support were always her father, who taught her to be an entrepreneur, give lessons, and be a writer. Her inspirational lady was her grandmother; she has never seen her leave them before she was born. She was a singer. Name Geeta Kamat's father's lesson to Neha: "You should have a bucket list of dreams and the courage to accept if you fail to learn to walk again with positivity my dream of being a doctor writer.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide social service to society, to make society more aware of reality, to spread positivism, and to honour my father with respect and accolades as long as I am living. I want to keep his name alive as long as I am alive. Let others know that having a daughter is always a gift.

Our Mission

Kamat Social Foundation works on social welfare by giving awareness programmes in villages for education, working campaigns on cleanliness around dams, conducting research on the needs of the poor, and offering free awareness programmes on stress and anxiety, with the aim of starting an old age home and orphanage. The SoulRoots Clinic is addressing psychological issues and will soon come up with certification workshops on psychology.

The lesson that life's path has taught us is that there are some things that money cannot buy.

Having money and using it to purchase everything we can is incredibly beneficial. However, it's a good idea to double-check that you haven't misplaced anything priceless.

i.e., respect, wellbeing, joy, peace, love, and connections.



For being helpful to the society as influencers and psychologist

Kamat Social Foundation In News

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